Check out our new FAQ page: http://ccc.libanswers.com/Cuyamaca_FAQs

Check the Student Help Center for answers outside of the library on Financial Aid, Technology, Academic Counseling, or other Student Support Services. 


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How can I borrow books or textbooks from the Library?
How do I log into the databases from home?
What do I do if I am blocked by the EZProxy Administrator?
What is the Microsoft Authenticator App?
Do I need to log into My Library Card? And how do I log in?
I am taking a Math class and I need to borrow a calculator. Can I get one?
Can I borrow a laptop? Or a Wi-Fi hotspot?
What are the fines for overdue materials? What if I have a fine? 
Where can I return materials?
Can I print or scan in the library? How much does it cost?
Can I checkout or  download electronic books?
Do you have study/Zoom rooms?   
Can I eat or drink in the library?


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